The Rapporteur, Andreas Schwab (EPP - DE), presented his preliminary proposals that could be included in the own-initiative report, stressing the need to complete and improve the functioning of the Single Market in order to deliver growth, to ensure effective implementation of the rules, to make the Commission procedures with regard to the implementation of the internal market acquis by the Member States more transparent, and to speed up the procedures before the Court of Justice were in his view among the key priorities. He also underlined the importance of making the use of the European Semester process to monitor the functioning of the Single Market. Members expressed similar views on the importance of ensuring transparency, giving clearer guidelines to the Member States, achieving better uniformity in the implementation (while preserving country-specific diversity), the need to agree on an EU "growth plan" where the Single Market has a key role to play. The Rapporteur also indicated the need for the Parliament to adopt a legislative own-initiative report relating to Single Market governance.
Director Emer Daly (DG MARKT) presented the key messages from the Commission Communication on Better Governance for the Single Market. She focused on the key areas for growth where the Commission identified 40 internal market Directives where swift delivery would most contribute to boosting growth and consumer and business confidence, and concrete measures to further improve the way Single Market rules are implemented, applied and enforced.
Source : © European Union, 2012 - EP