but has proven difficult to enforce in practice due to legal uncertainty concerning what practices would or not be considered justified.
The regulation seeks to provide more legal certainty and enforceability by defining specific situations when there can be no justified reason for discrimination on the grounds of nationality/residence. It also bans the blocking of access to websites and the use of automatic re-routing without the customer's prior consent; and includes provisions of non-discrimination within accepted payment means.
Council adopted its negotiating mandate in November 2016. Parliament, led by IMCO, is currently going through its first reading.
Rapporteur: R. Thun Und Hohenstein (EPP)
Shadows: V. Rozière (S&D), A. Van Bossuyt (ECR), D. Charanzová (ALDE), D. De Jong (GUE/NGL), J. Reda (Greens/ALE)
JURI Rapporteur (rule 54): L. J. Geringer De Oedenberg (S&D)Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP