General public procurement directive (2011/0438(COD))
A total of 1427 amendments have been tabled to the Commission proposal on Public Procurement. The mixed language version with amendments in their original language is now available on the IMCO website. The full English version will be available on 31 July, translations in all other languages will follow at the end of August.
Utilities procurement directive (2011/0439(COD))
A total of approximately 850 amendments have been tabled to the Commission proposal on Procurement by entities operating in utilities sectors. The mixed language version with amendments in their original language is now available on the IMCO website. The full English version will be available on 31 July, translations in all other languages will follow at the end of August.
A total of 1427 amendments have been tabled to the Commission proposal on Public Procurement. The mixed language version with amendments in their original language is now available on the IMCO website. The full English version will be available on 31 July, translations in all other languages will follow at the end of August.
Utilities procurement directive (2011/0439(COD))
A total of approximately 850 amendments have been tabled to the Commission proposal on Procurement by entities operating in utilities sectors. The mixed language version with amendments in their original language is now available on the IMCO website. The full English version will be available on 31 July, translations in all other languages will follow at the end of August.
Clicking on the link below, you will find the subject file with links to all the documents.
Source : © European Union, 2012 - EP