The IMCO Committee is currently considering a legislative report on customs enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRs). IPRs are fundamental to innovation, which is a key priority of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Given the increase of IPR infringements and international trade in infringing goods, large parts of economic growth and jobs in the EU depend on the effective enforcement of IPR. The customs authorities are in a comparatively good position to enforce IPRs effectively at the EU's external borders, before the goods enter the internal market. Once the goods spread across different Member States, it becomes much more difficult and costly to trace them and to initiate proceedings. As part of its IPR strategy, the European Commission proposed to revise Regulation (EC) 1383/2003 in order to strengthen the enforcement of IPR by customs authorities as well as to improve legal clarity, adapting the provisions of the Regulation to new developments.
Rapporteur: Jürgen Creutzmann (ALDE)
Shadow Rapporteurs: Marielle Gallo (EPP), Anna Hedh (S&D), Christian Engström (GREENS/EFA), Emma McClarkin (ECR), Cornelis de Jong (GUE,/NGL), Matteo Salvini (EFD)
Shadow Rapporteurs: Marielle Gallo (EPP), Anna Hedh (S&D), Christian Engström (GREENS/EFA), Emma McClarkin (ECR), Cornelis de Jong (GUE,/NGL), Matteo Salvini (EFD)
Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP