The non-legislative resolution on Protection of Consumers in Utilities Services does not come as a reply to a specific proposal or document issued by the Commission, but rather intents to exemplify the importance of consumer protection in utility services.
The resolution sets out recommendations on how to improve consumer protection in fundamental utilities such as energy, postal services and transport. It underlines the importance of utilities services and the significance of the protection of consumers' rights at Union level. But at the same time, the resolution also stressed the importance of the competences of the Member States in that regard and their role in enforcing the existing legislation before developing new legislation in that broad subject.
The resolution emphasises that access to utility services should be facilitated for all consumers, irrespective of their financial circumstances. In particular it says that in specific circumstances, vulnerable consumers may require appropriate arrangements and recalls that it is the task of Member States to address the various factors linked to vulnerable consumers.
The text stresses that consumers must have access to clear, understandable and comparable information on tariffs, conditions and means of redress. It also says that it should be easier for consumers to switch their energy or telecommunication provider. It calls for new infrastructures to narrow the digital divide and more delivery options in postal services.
Finally, it supports the existence of strong and independent consumer organisations to facilitate comprehensive consumer protection.
The non-legislative resolution was adopted at the Plenary of April 2014.
Rapporteur: Josef Weidenholzer (S&D)
Shadows: Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz (EPP), Olle Schmidt (ALDE), Heidi Rühle (Greens), Malcolm Harbour (ECR), Thomas Händel (GUE), Matteo Salvini (EFD)
Opinion-giving committees: none