Channel: IMCO - European Parliament
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Highlights - Common European Sales Law: draft opinion to be discussed on 20/21 March 2013 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Common European Sales Law
The Committee is in the process of preparing its opinion on the legislative proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (CESL), presented by the European Commission on 11 October 2011. IMCO will deliver its opinion to the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) under the 'enhanced cooperation' provisions of Rule 50 of the Parliament's Rules of Procedure, with exclusive competence for a number of key provisions of the draft proposal.
Similar to the lead Committee, IMCO has appointed two co-Rapporteurs who have been cooperating closely in the preparatory stage of the draft opinion (inlcuding through the preparation of a public hearing and the request for a quality check of the Commission's impact assessment through the European Parliament services). However, as the two co-Rapporteurs have opted for two significantly different approaches to the draft proposal, the draft opinion to be discussed in Committee consists of two separate documents:
  1. a draft opinion document bringing together the joint amendments of the two co-Rapporteurs as well as an explanatory memorandum setting out the two suggested approaches
  2. a first document of amendments listing the proposed amendments put forward by each co-Rapporteur individually

Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Latest news - The next Committee Meeting will be held on: - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Publications - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Video of a committee meeting - Monday, 4 March 2013 - 15:03 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Length of video : 127'
You may manually download this video in WMV (1.3Gb) format

Disclaimer : The interpretation of debates serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of proceedings. Only the original speech or the revised written translation is authentic.
Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Latest news - The next Committee Meeting will be held on: - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Wednesday 20 March 2013 (09.00 - 12.30 and 15.00 - 18.30) and Thursday 21 March 2013 (09.00 - 12.30 and 15.00 - 18.30) in JAN 6Q2. The draft agenda will follow soon. 
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Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Highlights - Exchange of views in the framework of structured dialogue with Mrs. Viviane Reding - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

EC Vice-President Viviane Reding at the European Parliament © EP EU
Commissioner Reding tackled seven points of DG JUST's work programme which are of particular relevance to IMCO’s remit:
1. Consumer Protection: The Consumer Agenda is a work programme focusing on how to improve the enforcement of consumers’ rights between now and 2020.
2. Data Protection Package: The proposed regulation is the measure which is of direct relevance to IMCO’s work and this will bear potentially 2 impacts: a commercial impact (it will bring about savings in the range of 2.3 billion € per year to businesses as it will set out one single body of rules instead of 27 different regimes which will be overseen by independent national regulators) and the sanctions imposed on businesses will be quite prohibitive and this will protect better consumers.
3. The Consumer Rights Directive is now in its implementation phase. This directive will give more rights to consumers such as, the banning of excessive credit card charges and pre-ticked boxes in on-line purchases; and, a 14 days withdrawal period.
4. Digital Single Market and the Digital Agenda: The current consumer acquis does provide protection for online purchases, however it needs to be implemented and enforced correctly. Guidelines are needed for national authorities; a model for businesses is called for; as well as, better enforcement through the CPC network.
5. Unfair Commercial Practices: the Commission will issue in March a report on the implementation of this directive and will address issues such as financial services and immovable property.
6. Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive: Not only consumers but also businesses need protection (especially SMEs). The foreseen measures by this directive need to be modernised and made more stringent. A proposal will be published in the second term of 2013.
7. Legal Aid in cross-border cases: Mrs Reding pointed towards a Commission report and also to the IMCO report drafted by Mr Mayer which underline shortcomings of the current system and make proposals to the Commission. The problem here is two-fold: a) the lack of awareness of citizens; b) the need for further training of lawyers and judges. Also, ADR and ODR need to be seen as reliable and accessible by citizens. A proposal on collective redress will be further tool which could provide additional security to consumers carrying out cross-border trade.
Despite these measures put in place, consumers need to become more aware of their rights and Mrs Reding feels that an awareness-raising campaign is most necessary.

Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Opinion - Enforcement of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services - PE 496.470v02-00 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the enforcement of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services
Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Emilie Turunen

Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Draft agenda - Wednesday, 20 March 2013 - Thursday, 21 March 2013 - PE 506.235v01-00 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Highlights - Dispute resolutions for consumers - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Alternative and online Dispute Resolution
At their Plenary session on 12 March, Members will discuss and vote on dispute resolutions for consumers namely Online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) and Alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ADR). These legislative reports put forward proposals for faster, easier and cheaper solutions to disputes with traders.

Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Subject files - Modernisation of the Professional Qualifications Directive - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Bernadette Vergnaud © European Union
IMCO Committee is dealing with the reform of the Professional Qualifications Directive. Some of the main elements of the proposal for modernisation consist of the introduction of a European professional card, better access to information and access to e-government services, modernisation of harmonised minimum training requirements, an alert mechanism for health professions, common training principles, mutual evaluation exercise on regulated professions, rules on partial access to a regulated profession and the clarification of the rules on language skills.
The European Commission presented its proposal and the impact assessments on the 9th of January and Members held a first exchange of view on the 28th of February. The Committee organized a hearing on the subject entitled "Growth & Mobility: Modernising the Professional Qualifications Directive" on the 25th of April. The members have held two considerations on the draft Report by the Rapporteur, on the 18th of September and the 10th of October. The deadline for amendments passed on the 15th of October, and the first consideration of amendments was held on the 6th of November.
Following the adoption of the report in IMCO Committee in January 2013 , Members have started negotiations with the Irish Presidency and the European Commission in order to reach an early first reading agreement on this dossier.
The first trialogue meetings are foreseen on the 20th of March and the 24th of April.
From the EP side the negotiating team consists of Rapporteur Bernadette Vergnaud (S&D) and the shadow Rapporteurs: Constance Le Grip (EPP), Cristian Silviu Buşoi (ALDE), Heide Rühle (GREEND/EFA), Emma McClarkin (ECR), Thomas Händel (GUE/NGL), Matteo Salvini (EFD).

Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Subject files - Implementation of the Professional Qualifications Directive - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Emma McCLARKIN @ European Union
In view of the upcoming legislative proposal which is expected to be presented by the end of the year, the IMCO Committee is currently working on an own initiative report on the implementation of the Professional Qualifications Directive. The report will review the implementation of Directive 2005/36 and feed into the discussion surrounding the recently published Green Paper on the modernisation of professional qualifications. 
Rapporteur: Emma McClarkin (ECR)
Shadow Rapporteurs: Constance Le Grip (EPP), Bernadette Vergnaud (S&D), Cristian Silviu Buşoi (ALDE), Emilie Turunen (Greens/EFA), Matteo Salvini (EFD)

Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Subject files - Alternative dispute resolution and Online dispute resolution - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Hearing ADR and ODR © European union
Alternative dispute resolution schemes usually use a third party such as an arbitrator, mediator or an ombudsman to help the consumer and the trader to reach a solution in case of a dispute. Their advantage is offering more flexibility than going to court and better meeting the needs of both consumers and professionals. Compared to a court case these schemes are cheaper, quicker and more informal.
In view of the fact that these out-of-court mechanisms have been developed differently across the European Union and that consumers often refrain from cross-border purchases because of uncertainty about who to turn to in case of a problem with a foreign trader, the need for regulatory action at the European level was identified.
IMCO is currently working on two legislative proposals related to alternative dispute resolution (ADR): a Directive on ADR that aims to ensure that quality out-of-court entities exist to deal with any contractual dispute between a consumer and a business, and a Regulation on online dispute resolution (ODR) that would establishing a European ODR platform offering a single point of entry to those who seek to resolve a dispute which has arisen from a cross-border e-commerce transaction. 
Rapporteurs: ADR Louis Grech (S&D), ODR Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein (EPP)
Shadows rapporteurs: ADR Hans-Peter Mayer (EPP), ODR Mitro Repo (S&D), ADR/ODR Robert Rochefort (ALDE), ADR/ODR Heide Rühle (Greens/EFA), ADR/ODR Ashley Fox (ECR), ADR Denis de Jong (GUE/NGL), ODR  Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (GUE/NGL), ADR/ODR Matteo Salvini (EDF)

Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Workshops - Working Group on Digital Single Market - 07-03-2013 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Latest news - The next Committee Meeting will be held on: - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Wednesday 20 March 2013 (09.00 - 12.30 and 15.00 - 18.30) and Thursday 21 March 2013 (09.00 - 12.30 and 15.00 - 18.30) in JAN 6Q2. Find here the draft agenda. 
Newsletter: Issue 39:February 2013 - Previous issues  
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Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Hearings - How to register your car in Europe - 20-03-2013 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Draft opinion - Common European Sales Law - PE 505.986v01-00 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

DRAFT OPINION on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a Common European Sales Law
Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Evelyne Gebhardt, Hans-Peter Mayer

Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Opinion - Enforcement of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services - PE 496.470v03-00 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

OPINION on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the enforcement of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services
Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Malcolm Harbour

Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP

Minutes - Monday, 4 March 2013 - PE 506.332v01-00 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Minutes - Wednesday, 20 March 2013 - PE 506.331v01-00 - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Highlights - Online gambling in the internal market: 20 March AM - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Online gambling
Members will consider the own-INI report on online gambling. The report takes the view that common standards for online gambling should address the rights/obligations of both the service provider and the consumer including measures to ensure a high level of protection for players (particularly minors and other vulnerable persons) and the prevention of misleading advertisements.

Further information
Ashley Fox
Procedure file

Source : © European Union, 2013 - EP
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